Monday, 9 December 2013
Anytime, Anywhere! ABC time!
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Let's learn in the CARPARK!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
today is the 7th day Phoebe hasn't pooped. The PD said his highest record is 13days while his professor had a case of 21 days. It is apparently common for breastfed babies but I'm not gonna settle for "COMMON".
Similarly, this lil one has caught mild bronchilitis from Nathan and is quite chocked up. Doc prescribed ventolin nebulizer and we had to rent the machine home. And doctor said could only let her recover on her own which can usually take a few days to weeks. Again, I'm not gonna settle for "USUALLY".
So last night my in laws came and prayed. As parents, Elvin and I also prayed and we claimed healing for the cough and flu and purging for the poop!
Praise The Lord that my little phoebe did not cough at all today AND she pooped one whole almost leaking diaper full of golden yellow grade breast fed baby poopie! :)
If today you are a parent and you are in a situation that you cannot handle, or cannot understand, call upon the name of The Lord! He heals and He restores! :)
Next miracle in line is my sore throat! Come onnnnnnn!!!!! :)
Friday, 8 November 2013
Lifesaver: Lascal Buggy Board :)
Preparation for Phoebe's thanksgiving party
**Tip: just print the card with any photo printing shop! Only $0.25 per piece and 4R is a good size, paper also not so flimsy. :) I am a member with Harvey Norman photo centre so it's only $0.18 per piece!
We got the funniest responses from the guests! Of course some are really heartwarming. Nonsense ones too, from our most beloved friend, Jason Oon! :)