Monday, 31 August 2015

What to do for teacher's day?!

It's Teacher's Day again!

6 years as a teacher, I have to say that I totally love Teacher's day! Students saying thank you and putting their heart and energy into making little tokens, it has this little magic of making one year of hard work seems very worth it. Hahaha I know this sounds superficial but who doesn't like to feel appreciated!?

Anyway, since that's how a teacher feels, it is important that we as parents take this special occasion to be a teachable moment for our children to learn about being thankful with action.

With this, let me introduce to you our family's way of appreciating the childcare centre teachers for year 2015!

We decided to let the children bake some simple sugar cookies. Something smaller (cheaper) as we are going to give the school a paper cutter, after observing the teachers always cutting papers with a pair of scissors. 

From experience, I always prefer cookies coming in air tight containers, because:
(1) they won't be crushed easily and make a mess in my bag
(2) they will stay crispy longer and I can slowly enjoy these sweet treats
(3) I can reuse the containers

Hence, we got small square containers at 3 for $2, from Japan Home.

The children started with cleaning the containers and alphabet moulds with food grade dish cleanser.

We were very impressed with Nathan's ability and patience to complete the task properly. Other than washing carefully with the sponge, he also changed the water a few times to ensure that the soap was rinsed off well.

Phoebe did well with the mould too, with Elvin's guidance. She had fun identifying the letters hence able to last longer on the job.

We lay a clean towel on the floor to let the kids dry the items. 

Left the containers to dry under the fan while we had dinner. It is very important that the containers are fully dried so that the cookies can stay crispy longer. :)

Ok! Time to make the cookies!
We did the cookie mix by a bit of gut feel, mixing self raising flour with icing sugar, butter, egg and vanilla essence. Simple and nice. But if you are not so garang and gung-ho like us, we recommend the Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix. Please remember to add that one more tablespoon of flour for cut out cookies!

We wanted to make alphabet cookies but they didn't turn out defined enough so we decided to go original and rustic. AUTHENTIC. (All sorts of vocabulary just so I can justify how the cookies looked like in the end)

TADANG! Kids just roll the dough into balls and flatten them! Then we put some cute little red sugar hearts and send for bake!

Aesthetically not the best but sincerity 100%!

While the cookies were baking, we started to decorate the containers. I pasted scripture tape on the containers. You can get them from MY FAVOURITE ONLINE SHOP for Christian craft items!

The kids pasted stickers on the lids and it is really interesting how they decided what to put and which should go to which teacher.

Time to pack!

"Stop stealing the cookies, Phoebe!"
"Nathan! I saw that! Stop licking your hand!"

These are the end products! 
Simple and presentable and most importantly, very manageable with the kids. :)

I hope this little tutorial is in time for some of you! :)


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